Monday, October 21, 2019

Star Life Cycles essays

Star Life Cycles essays Our world is made up of millions of things. From an atom to a metropolis, and from a comet to a grocery store, the things that surround our lives not only prove to please functional needs but, aesthetic and intellectual, as well. I could go on to list more random things that surround life but I wont. It is said that one must know their circumstances and situations. It is human nature to be curious about life around us. To be able to perceive things in logical and rational manner is wonderful, but to be able to grasp and hold onto knowledge that is proven correct trillions of light years away from you is truly beautiful. Enter: the field of science. Humans have been curious with the functional purposes and features of life since our evolution into humans. Many times early humans would be frustrated with science and walk with their heads down. Thus comes in the saying keep your chin up. When they would look up what would they see? The sky, of course. Thus sparking a new curiosity. After many innovations in the study of the sky it has been concluded that it is very large (quite possibly the most correctly observant thing in science along with of course Galileos Eureka! in the bath tub, and Ben Franklin realizing he was electrocuted). Since the sky is so large it houses many objects. Solar systems play a large role. Within solar systems are planets, moons, comets, and the reason youre reading this...stars! Stars are hot bodies of glowing gas that start their life in Nebulae. Nebulae are clouds of dust and gas in space. They vary in size, mass and temperature, diameters ranging from 450x smaller to over 1000x larger than that of the Sun. Masses range from a twentieth to over 50 solar masses and surface temperature can range from 3,000 degrees Celsius to over 50,000 degrees Celsius. Its temperature determines the color of a star. The hottest stars are blue and the coolest stars are r ...

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